Throughout the year and especially during holiday season.
Designed for everyone:
- For begginers or experienced students.
- For people who have a very short period of time for a course.
- You can choose a discipline or opt for a Multidisciplinary Workshop, where you combine more than one option.
- Intensive courses have a lenght of 12 h, 24 h or more, distributing them according to your needs.
- There is one and a half month at most to complete the intensive course that has been chosen.
- You can start any time of the month and the year.
- All materials and use of the equipment of the studio are included in the price.
- There are no extra charges, unless the student wishes to use canvas for painting, which are their responsibility, as well as all other materials or big quantities of them that are not in the program.
Reserve your place now!
Ask for information with no obligation.