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Our Working Method in Sculpture: Auguste Rodin and His Quest for Truth

When it comes to starting work in sculpture, we encounter different methodological proposals that rest on various conceptions of what art is and what its objectives are. Our workshop is fundamentally based on the teachings of the great sculptor Auguste Rodin, combined with other influences such as the Bauhaus. The Foundation of Art for Rodin is Nature, a sovereign master and infinite perfection. In it lies the Truth, the beginning and end of his mission
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Louis Confort Tiffany, vidriera

Artistic glass today

Part one: The Glass Window The artistic crafts related to glass are mainly related to stained glass, although there are other expressions that use this material, such as sculpture. Stained glass windows were used until the nineteenth century mainly by…

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Books About Art to Gift Inspiration.

"The Story of Art" by E.H. Gombrich: Gombrich unravels the complexity of art with clarity in this masterpiece, guiding readers from cave paintings to contemporary art with an accessible and engaging style. "Color Psychology" by Eva Heller: This book delves…

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